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কিভাবে ইউটিউবে এ্যাড ছাড়া কন্টেন্ট উপভোগ করবেন?

 বর্তমান সময়ে আমরা সবাই ইউটিউব ব্যবহার করে থাকি। এটি এখন আমাদের নিত্তনৈমিত্তিক ব্যাপার হয়ে গেছে। কিন্তু ইউটিউবের এ্যাডের জন্য কন্টেন্ট দেখতে খুবই বিরক্ত লাগে।গুগল এ্যাড দিয়ে টাকা কামিয়ে নিচ্ছে।

এর থেকে পরিত্রাণের উপর কি?

উপাই আছে। এখন আমরা চাইলেই এ্যাড ছাড়া ইউটিউবে ভিডিও দেখতে পারবো।চলুন দেখে আসি কিভাবে আমরা ইউটিউবে এ্যাড ছাড়া ভিডিও উপভোগ করবো।

প্রথমে আপনার মোবাইলে যেকোনো ব্রাউজার থেকে গুগলে সার্চ দিন YouTube Vanced লিখে। তারপর এই এপ্লিকেশনটি ডাউনলোড করে নিন।ডাইনলোড হয়ে গেলে মোবাইলে ইন্সটল করে দিন।

ইন্সটল হয়ে গেলে আবারো আপনার মোবাইলের যেকোনো ব্রাউজার থেকে সার্চ দিন Micro G for YouTube Vanced লিখে।

তারপর সেই এল্পিকেশনটি ডাউনলোড হয়ে গেলে ইন্সটল করে দিন। এখন আপনার কাজ শেষ 
এখন আপনি উপভোগ করুন ইউটিউবে এ্যাড ছাড়া কন্টেন্ট। 

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How to Add Google Maps Shortcuts to Your Android Home Screen


The days of needing a dedicated GPS unit for navigation are long gone. Thanks to Google Maps, all you need is a smartphone to get turn-by-turn directions. With home screen shortcuts on Android, it gets even easier to use.

Typically, the process for getting directions involves opening the Google Maps app, searching for a location, finding the one you want, and starting navigation. If you’re doing this every day, it can become a bit cumbersome.

Google will surface frequently visited locations, making the process a bit easier, but we can improve this even more. By adding a shortcut to your home screen, you can bypass all of that and jump straight to navigation.

To begin, open the Google Maps app on your Android device. Find the location that you would like to create a shortcut for.

Next, tap “Directions” on the location information card.

Select the three-dot menu icon in the top-right corner and select “Add Route to Home Screen.”

A pop-up window will appear with a shortcut icon. You can tap and hold the icon to place it manually on your home screen, or tap “Add Automatically” to have it placed for you.

The shortcut will now be on your home screen. Tapping it will open Google Maps and automatically start turn-by-turn navigation to the location.

This is a great way to get easy access to your most frequent locations. You can keep all of these shortcuts in a home screen folder and always know where to find them.
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Digital Marketing Basics You Need to Promote Your Business

 Digital marketing. One of the newfangled buzzwords that business owners are using to sound smart these days.

Or is there really something to it?

With companies going the digital route and focusing on creating a strong online presence, we understand why you might also be thinking of joining the party.
Do you want to start promoting your business online? Not sure what digital marketing means? If that’s the case, cheer up! In this guide, you’re going to find all the digital marketing basics you need to know about creating successful online marketing campaigns for your business.


In simplest terms, digital marketing means marketing your products and services using the internet and digital media as the medium.

Digital marketing is sort of an umbrella term that includes all the modern marketing strategies. We are talking about marketing tactics that involve reaching out to the target customers through online marketing (Internet, mobile phones,) and social media marketing (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and such.

Why does your business need digital marketing?

If you are hesitating to invest in digital marketing, here are a few points to convince you of the significance of having an online marketing plan for your business.

Digital Marketing
Digital Marketing

Did you know that 77.6% of small business owners use social media in their marketing strategy? From solo entrepreneurs and freelancers to companies, everyone is using digital marketing to establish a brand presence today. This is probably because digital marketing basics are fairly easy to grasp. If you don’t adapt to the changing times, you stand to lose potential customers.

Cast a wider net: Digital marketing allows you to catch the attention of your prospective customers through a variety of ways. For example, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), which we are going to discuss later in this guide, helps you attract customers in an organic (unpaid) way.

On the other hand, Pay Per Click (PPC) marketing uses paid ads to draw the audience in. By using different approaches you can reach a wider audience which can have a major impact on your brand recognition.

Target your audience effectively: Can you imagine targeting an audience based on gender, language, and location through traditional means of marketing?

That’s one of the things we love about digital marketing; you can choose who visits your website and who sees your ads. The targeting tools and parameters available today are incredible in helping you target the audience you want. They are easy to use even if you only have a little knowledge of digital marketing basics

What are the digital marketing basics of a successful strategy?

Before you decide to invest your time and resources in strategizing, it is important that you understand the digital marketing basics regarding the various platforms. An effective marketing strategy can incorporate a variety of components like

  • Website design
  • Search engine optimization
  • Social media advertising
  • Social media management
  • Pay-Per-Click advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Content marketing

In conclusion

Well, that’s about it for the basics of digital marketing! Although this is an ever-growing field, you now have an adequate understanding of the main components of a digital marketing strategy.

The number one challenge for most businesses is that it is multi-faceted; you need experts who are experienced and skilled in each area of digital marketing – SEO, PPC, social media marketing, email marketing, etc.

Just a quick note, we have tried to give you the “big picture” here – this is not an exhaustive overview of everything related to digital marketing😊

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How to Change Your Windows 10 Lock Screen Background

Tired of seeing backgrounds provided by Microsoft on your Windows 10 lock screen? With a trip to Settings, you can choose a custom background image or even set up a custom slideshow from a group of images. Here’s how to set it up.

First, open “Settings” by clicking the “Start” button and selecting the small gear. Or you can press Windows+i on your keyboard

In “Settings,” select “Personalization.

In “Personalization,” select “Lock screen” from the sidebar.

In “Personalization,” select “Lock screen” from the sidebar.
In Lock screen settings, locate the drop-down menu labeled “Background,” which is just below the lock screen preview image. Click the menu, and you’ll see three options. Here’s what they do.

Windows spotlight: Shows an image provided by Microsoft through the Internet. You’ll see a new image every day.

Picture: Select your own background image for the lock screen.

Slideshow: Provide your own folder of images to use as a slideshow on the lock screen.

The default option is “Windows Spotlight,” which pulls new Microsoft-provided photographic images from the Internet. If you’d like to use your own image, select “Picture” from the menu, then click “Browse” to select an image you’d like to use.

Tip: If you’d like to use a “blank” screen as your lock screen background, create an image with a solid color and browse for it when “Picture” is selected from the menu.

  • If you’d rather have a custom slideshow of images, select “Slideshow” from the drop-down menu. Next, choose an album of photos to use as the source of images. Windows will cycle through them on the lock screen, changing them every few seconds. You can pick your “Pictures” folder or click “Add a folder” to add a custom group of images to use.

When “Slideshow” is selected, you can also change slideshow options by clicking “Advanced slideshow settings” just below the “Choose albums” area. Once you choose, it, you can change options such as “Only use pictures that fit my screen” and whether the slideshow uses Camera Roll folders from your OneDrive

When you have everything configured how you’d like, exit “Settings,” and the changes will take effect immediately. You can press Windows+L on your keyboard to quickly bring up the lock screen and check. Have fun customizing Windows!


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